My ring collection

I wear a lot of big, chandelier earrings, and I've always felt the best complementary jewellery to those are rings. I don't have a huge collection, but I can definitely see it growing in the future!

I bought this tea cup and saucer ring from Brick Lane markets when I was in London. A few nights later, I went to an Alice in Wonderland-themed bar where they served cocktails in teacups - I poured some of one of our cocktails into my ring, about half of one sip - Yep, easily amused!

If I remember right, I think I bought this key ring at Diva, which is a jewellery chain store here in Australia. I really like it because it's quite small - definitely not knuckle duster-sized - so it doesn't get in the way when I wear it.

These two silver flower rings were hand-me-downs from my aunty, and I think they were some of the first items I put on when I started wearing rings regularly.

I bought this cute camera ring from Brick Lane markets as well. I also have a matching necklace from Diva, which my sister found for me!

My most recent ring purchase. I really like the colours together.This one's from Colette by Colette Hayman.

Lastly, this one, with different shades of green, was another Diva purchase. Diva have the occasional awesome $3-5 sale, so that's where I get most of my rings. I have a lot of green earrings, so this one gets worn a lot.

So, I think what we've learned here today is that I pretty much only buy rings from $3 sales at chain stores, or from markets! I never like to spend a lot on jewellery, so for me, those are the best places to go for my jewellery fix!

Do you wear rings a lot too? How do you like to wear them?

xx Bec

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